But quite frankly, I'm not exactly an artist. Being able to have a good visual is an essential to any of my towns, cities, or worlds. I don't know about anything digital, though, or anything for making specific cities/villages. So that's the weird little map-making thing I learned from my DM. Every time he does this he adds new little rules, like if one of the dice rolls the highest it can there has to be an abandoned castle there, or if there are three dice of a certain color/set that land together there is a huge city. My DM does this for every campaign we have in a new world, its a funny little method of making a map by hand. Smaller clusters of dice can be islands, maybe the higher the roll in certain areas the more mountainous it is, or the higher the population there.
The dice will make shapes and clusters, and you can draw a border around the groups of dice and viola! You have a continent. If you want to create a random map from scratch, take a large sheet of paper, then all the dice you have, and throw the dice onto the sheet. However, I do know a trick to drawing maps without having to be an artist. All I know about is a website called WorldAnvil, but I do not think they offer map-building services, only world building.